RHENIUM (Re) - (Rhenium) called as refractory metal with the following characteristics:
• The density of rhenium - 21.03 g/cm3,
• melting rhenium - 3180 ± 20 ° C,
• boiling point of rhenium -5600 ° C,
• silver-gray color of rhenium - if the state is a compact,
• black rhenium - if the state is dispersed,
• rhenium - a typical trace element.
Rhenium alloys are used in various branches of electronic, aviation and space production. And for the processing of the oil refining industry used rhenium compounds as catalysts.
Methoxy company produces rhenium and its alloys. We can profitably buy heptoxide rhenium, which is a volatile solids, which can quickly spread out in the air, easily combines with water to form a rhenium acid.
Production of rhenium is carried out in strict accordance with the standards and requirements of the guests, so high quality products, the company guarantees. Cooperation with our company will allow all customers to buy quickly heptoxide rhenium and other products, which has impeccable characteristics and properties at an affordable cost.